RFP & Bids

Dear Vendor:

Polk County is excited to offer you a new procurement process.  The Department of Administration is announcing a new partnership with Public Purchase, a web based eProcurement service. Using this service will make the quoting process easier for both Polk County and its suppliers. It will create a single location in which to view open Requests for Quotation and award information for previous RFQ's issued through the Public Purchase website. This service will also create an up to date vendor database, which will be hosted on Public Purchase's servers and will allow suppliers to update and change their information as needed. In order to receive notifications from Polk County, vendors will need to register using a two-part process. We have outlined this two-step process below to avoid confusion.

  1. Register with Public Purchase:Use the link below to begin the registration process. It can take up to 24 hours to activate your account. You will receive an email from notices@publicpurchase.com letting you know your account is activated.https://www.publicpurchase.com/gems/register/vendor/register
  1. Register with Polk County:Once you have received your activation email from Public Purchase log into www.publicpurchase.com and accept the terms and conditions of use. Then click on the link below to start your registration process with the county. Polk County requires NIGP Commodity Codes for quote notification and complete a W-9 for tax purposes. It is important that this second part of the registration is complete or you will not receive notifications of upcoming quote opportunities from the county.


If you need further assistance with this process please contact Public Purchase at support@publicpurchase.com  or Sherri Poirier at Polk County sherri.poirier@polkcountywi.gov.

Thank you for participating!