September is National Preparedness Month!

September is National Preparedness Month! Do you have a checklist ready to go in case of emergencies? Click here for examples of things to add to your list:


Know what disasters and hazards could affect your area, how to get emergency alerts, and where you would go if you and your family need to evacuate.  Make sure your family has a plan and practices it often.

Download the FEMA App to get preparedness strategies, real-time weather and emergency alerts.

Hazard Information Sheets

Use these two-sided information sheets to learn more about how to prepare for, keep safe during, and respond to hazards. Learn more about the research behind these information sheets on FEMA’s Protective Actions Research site.

Are You Ready? Guide

This comprehensive guide provides detailed information on how best to prepare for disasters within families and communities. Learn general disaster preparedness tips and best practices to inform your planning.

Are You Ready? Guide in English or additional languages.

Create Your Family Emergency Communication Plan (PDF)

Create Your Family Emergency Communication Plan in English or Additional Languages

Family Communication Plan Fillable Card (Digital PDF)

Family Communication Plan Fillable Card in English or

Additional Languages

Document and Insure Your Property (PDF)

Disasters are a matter of when, not if. Make sure you’re prepared by documenting your property and ensuring that you have the insurance coverage you need.

Document and Insure Your Property in English or

Additional Languages

Know Your Alerts and Warnings (PDF)

When disaster strikes, know who to turn to for updates, alerts, and warnings. This guide outlines the U.S. alert and warning systems and the information you can expect to receive from each source.

Know Your Alerts and Warnings in English or

Additional Languages

A Guide for Alerts and Warnings (PDF)

Learn what to do when you get a hazard alert at home or in the car! The Guide for Alerts and Warnings has information about 17 hazards, their alerts, and the protective actions you can take to stay safe.

Download A Guide for Alerts and Warnings or order a booklet copy with a magnetic strip for the fridge

Safeguard Critical Documents and Valuables (PDF)

Be prepared for any disaster by safeguarding documents and valuables. This guide includes a checklist to help you prepare your documents should you need to file an insurance claim after a disaster.

Safeguard Critical Documents and Valuables in English

or Additional Languages

12 Ways to Prepare (PDF)

This 9” x 6” cardstock postcard describes 12 key ways that you can prepare for disasters. Just add a USPS mailing sticker to the back to send to community members.

12 Ways to Prepare in English or

Additional Languages

Last Updated: 06/30/2022